Sliding Door Repair Melbourne - Myreno Handyman

Sliding Door Repair

Sliding doors need to be occasionally serviced to get them functioning correctly, even though they can last years without service, it's not the best way to maintain them. Sliding doors issues usually arise from wear and tear so cleaning the track and rollers regularly is an excellent way to prolong them. As sliding door come in many sizes, shapes, and weight most problems associated with sliding doors are due to wrong capacity rollers/parts.

Common Sliding Door Issues

The type of issues that can occur to sliding doors stems from the hardware which eventually builds up gunk and, in turn, affects the system. The roller then begins to jump slightly and eventually, cause them to wear out and give way by splitting or breaking. I've seen lots of cases where even such an occurrence wasn't enough to alarm the resident something is wrong! Dragging a scraping door will cause more significant issues. The actual scrapping will damage to the bottom track then you have more costs than just rollers. Do keep in mind that not all bottom tracks nowadays days are replaceable as they are built into the frame.

What if the sliding door doesn't come out easily

The only way to fix sliding doors that are badly damaged is to repair or replace the bottom track; this is not the point you will want to get to, especially if you have a door that doesn't pop out of its frame easily. If this is the case, the frame will need alteration to remove the door and panel which will carry additional costs. If the sliding door track is built into the frame you have three options to repair it, the first option is to supply and custom fit cover track, the Second option is not as simple, it will require you to grind out the whole bottom track and replace it, finally you may consider replacing the door and frame. Best to try the first to option this will save you thousands of dollars.

What if the Sliding Track Is Not Replaceable?

As mentioned above there are other issues you may face because most tracks today don't easily come out; they are built as one unit and as part of the frame. New sliding doors look great and fanciful when operating for the first couple of years. However, when they get to the situation we're referring to, you will need to replace the bottom track. Replacing sliding tracks can be a nightmare. My recommendation for patio doors or external doors such as sliding door, specially bifold door is never installed aluminum frames and door in the home, this only saves the builder money and will undoubtedly cause the homeowners lots of issue in future. Always choose wood doors and frame they look better and are less costly to maintain in the long term.

Cost of Repairing a Sliding Door

Replacing badly damaged sliding door and frame can cost thousands of dollars; in fact, it can cost anywhere from $4,000 to 15k depending on who you go with and how many panels you choose. However, it best to call a service who specialises in repairing sliding doors such as Myreno to see if we can fix it. If it's a wooden sliding door or patio door, we can certainly restore the door to its original functioning glory. This is because, after years of experience, we have developed techniques to custom-fix all patio doors without much fuss. We are a professional door repairs service for both home, and office, Melbourne wide.

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